
Spatial Audio

We offer a fully immersive listening experience
that surrounds you from all sides.

Indulge in the sound
Just like magic.
A virtual space turned into reality.
Gaudio Lab's spatial audio technology

To see the world with your ears

  • 콘텐츠 이미지
    Olympic Games in real time
  • 콘텐츠 이미지
    Vibrant adventures inside a virtual world
  • 콘텐츠 이미지
    Concert of your favorite artist
배경 이미지
Spatial Audio technology turns
wherever you are into the venue.

Close your eyes and let your imagination be real.
The sound follows the direction of your head, filling the space.

Being There
for Everyone

  • 콘텐츠 이미지
    Wherever you are becomes a studio,
  • 콘텐츠 이미지
    A concert hall,
  • 콘텐츠 이미지
    and a stadium.
배경 이미지
Realistic spatial audio experience, even in a 2D environment

Live spatial audio broadcasting becomes easier, even without expensive equipment and changes to workflow.

Gaudio Lab's technologies
are already widely used.

Platform-agnostic audio technology
that brings virtual
environments to life on any device.

swiper 이미지
Spatial sound technologies provide
immersive experience in any environment.

Add the MPEG-H standard, high quality spatial sound to your platforms, TWS, or any environment you want.

Gaudio Lab's technologies
are already widely used.

Make live streaming more immersive
with spatial audio technology.

스와이퍼 이미지
With our spatial audio, you'll feel like you're in the movie.

Create an immersive live-streaming experience through GSA for Live Streaming, a Naver NOW’s choice.

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Gaudio Lab's technologies
are already widely used.

  • 네이버 나우 이미지

    Automatic View-Adaptive Audio (AVAA) Technology
    Naver NOW adopted AVAA technology to bring spatial audio to 2D screens.

  • LG전자 이미지

    LG Electronics integrated Spatial Upmix technology into their TWS 'Tone Free'.

  • CGV 이미지

    Gaudio Lab's technology helped CGV's Screen X deliver the sound experience of being immersed into a movie screen. With our signal processing technology, Screen X overcame constraints in speaker location and characterics.